Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Let the rain fall down

Wow its been forever since my last post on here. I don't have enough time to catch you up right now but I will soon. The most exciting news is that there has been a new addition to my family...of guitars. Lilly is my new baby, she is a beautiful Mitchell acoustic. That makes 3, its a lot for a single mom but I'm up for the challenge and can't wait until God blesses me with another.

I'm tan! There is another story to my tan that is rather gross and ugly that I won't get into right now but for the most part I am tan and that is all you need to know.

It's raining...and thundering...and my power can't decide if it is going to go out or stay on so it is flickering like crazy...

Well that is all I have time for at the moment as I have to go to the wonderful place that is the jaw doctor *insert boo's here* I will write again soon with a more informative update.

Later yo

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