Friday, June 6, 2008

Hunger...It's consuming me...

I feel like I'm withering away into nothingness. I'm so hungry my stomach is eating itself!! Not really but I felt like being dramatic. So this whole diet thing is getting old, I miss food. But I did weigh today and I've lost 3 pounds *snaps for zuzu* Oh and Brittany lost 5 pounds! *snaps for brittany* My one light in this darkness that is dieting is these amazing weight watchers ice cream bars that are simply divine. Like I would eat these even if I wasn't on a diet they are so good and they are only....1 point!! praise Jesus there is hope! I just might make it through this alive!

I have decided that I am going to come up with a line of food that is cheap, healthy, and tastes good and takes away the hunger. Because seriously pretty much the way it is is if it tastes good and is cheap and filling then its gonna make you fat...What is wrong with this world?!?! I need to have a talk with whoever is in charge of that cuz he needs to make some changes.

Ok so I'm taking defensive driving online and the little chapter quiz questions crack me up

Determine a safe speed to travel based on __________.
the volume level of your music
road conditions, traffic density, how far you can see ahead
how late you are for an appointment
the fastest speed your vehicle can go

Hmm I can't decide between the volume level of my music and the fastest my car can go...Seriously I wanna know who gets that question wrong. Who is really that dumb??

Well I am going to sleep...It's my new theory during this diet thing where if you just go to sleep the hunger will go away. So I'm going to go test my theory. Good night all.


Brittany Noel said...

so sorry you are hungry but if it makes you feel any better I share in the hunger too. ps snap snap snap snap we are looking hotter by the day.

Heather said...

I feel the same about dieting!! its very fowl and why do we do it?? ill tell ya!!! boys boys boys!! i want to meet a hot guy who likes fat chicks that eat alot!!! I WANT THAT GUY!!!

sorry..i got a lilltle carried away

ZuZu said...

dude me too! we should move to china where they send their women to fattening houses!