Friday, June 6, 2008

I should have brought a guitar...

So I'm babysitting and these poor kids went to bed at 7 30...I got here at 6, the parents won't be back for at least another 2 hours...I'm so bored I'm tempted to wake the kids up and make them play with me. At least I managed to find food. I was getting worried there for a little while but I made myself a scrumptious peanut butter and jelly sand which.

Did you know that sand which is two words not one?? I always thought it was one word but the spell check on here said its two words not one. I feel like I've been living a lie my whole life I never knew it wasnt one word....

I was just overcome with the desire to play my guitar and being the smart person that I am didn't think to bring one. Good job zuzu...

Well I am getting tired of myspace and defensive driving so I think I will go watch hannah montana and try to stay awake because I'm just cool like that.


Brittany Noel said...

sandwich is one word you just spelled it wrong. You spelled it sandwhich there is no H next to the W. Technically spell check was right because the way you spelled it in the first place was wrong and you put two totally separate words together. Dont feel bad you were homeschooled you get a "wow I just made myself look like a complete idiot in front of the entire world of blogger people" moment every now and again. I forgive you.

ZuZu said...
