Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I want to give up...

I can't do this anymore God

You're asking too much of me

I want to run away and never come back

I want to forget about all the things I'm supposed to do to be a perfect little Christian and just get out of here.
And why does that stupid little voice keep coming back
I thought I was done with that


Why does it have to be so hard?
Why does it seem easier for some people?

It would be so so easy to just go back to the way I used to be.

What am I doing wrong?

Am I going crazy?

Who can I trust?

Who is it that has the right answers because everyone seems to have their own and they're all different so who is right and how the heck am I supposed to know who to listen to and who not to listen to?

Why can't you just be clear with all the rules?

Why does it have to be a guessing game?

Why am I so lost?

Why do I want to give up and go back to the way things used to be?

Why can I respect and listen to anyone in the entire world except the people I'm supposed to respect and listen to the most?

I hate them

I resent them

I'm not supposed to but I do

And for some reason I can't tell them that

I still lie and tell them what they want to hear

They think I stopped lying but in reality I've just gotten better at it.

Why does it feel like your a million miles away?

Where are you?

I need you....