Friday, April 23, 2010

Change happens

There is no growth without change; there is no change without fear or loss; and there is no loss without pain. Every change involves a loss of some kind: You must let go of old ways in order to experience the new. We fear these losses, even if our old ways were self-defeating, because, like a worn out pair of shoes, they were at least comfortable and familiar.

Adam Roth posted this as his status on facebook a while back and I saved it and just found it again tonight.

I am so not good at change.

But this makes sense to me why I don't like it. It's why growing up and going into new seasons of life is so hard for me. I'm not a fan of loss or pain or new things.

I will wear a pair of shoes until they disintegrate into nothing because they are comfortable and familiar and easier than finding a new pair and having to get used to them and make them work with my outfits.

I kind of feel like it's time to throw away all the old shoes and get new ones. Not just settling for the old shoes or even being barefoot because it's easier.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Can I just tell you about my crazy day?

So my day started at about 5:15 AM when I quickly got dressed, brushed my teeth and de-iced my car to be at the gym for a spin class. [6:00AM]

That lasted 1 hour. [7:00 AM]

Then biked 3 more hours after that. [10:00AM]

Then had to do 15s, which if you have never heard of them consider yourself lucky. I can honestly say I think I would rather jump out of a second story building than do them. (you feel about the same after both)

Then there were push ups and core.

Then the pool opened and it was time to swim. [11:00AM]

Done swimming and ready to shower up and get ready for the day. [12:00PM]

Took my time getting ready (I could barely move and didn't really have anywhere to be)

Left the gym for a little pick me up at Starbucks [1:15PM]

Had my first coffee in 22 days (it was the most amazing thing i've put in my mouth in a long time)

Called my mother cuz I missed her and wanted advice on whether to go to Wendy's or Sonic for lunch. (I call her for all major life decisions like that)

The decision was Sonic. Got food. It was amazing. [1:45PM]

Then I proceeded to run errands driving all over town that included: bike shopping, shirt shopping, leggings shopping, picking up my mountain bike from my ex homesponsor's house, and then looking for a place to do homework.

The Brewery is closed...

There is nowhere else to go so I decided to go home.

Get to the church and see people still in Little Life from closing up Little Life Academy. I get them to let me in. [5:30PM]

They all leave and I'm sitting in Kid Life all alone in the dark. [5:40PM]

Mrs Duvall pulls up by the Kid Life door and is slightly frightened (as anyone would be) when she opens the door and sees a person sitting on the floor in the darkness of an empty church.

I explain what I'm doing there in the shortest way possible and we small talk it up for a couple min and then I remember that there is a couch in the Kid Life room. Score!

I lay down with my Mac plugged in, background music playing, about to take a nap and in walks a person saying that they are about to have a meeting in this room....[6:05PM]

Covering my complete and utter distraught-ness I pack up my stuff and look for another room that is unlocked with a couch. [6:10PM]

To my delight the doors to the rest of the church have been unlocked and the living room is empty!

And here I am, on the couch in the living room. It's so comfortable and my legs have now lost all feeling. I might not be able to get up, not gonna lie.

Well that was my day. If you actually read all of that I feel sorry for you that you just wasted the last 5 min of your life and question whether or not you have one. (You should probably get out more)

Sorry if my sarcasm has offended you in any way. It's a day that requires sarcasm to keep the sanity. My day is not even over yet. On to Little Rock in an hour or so! More adventures to come I'm sure.

Peace. Thanks for listening.

Monday, January 4, 2010


Well Christmas break is officially over and second semester is officially starting. I see this semester as a fresh start. A clean slate, new beginning. A chance to finish stronger than I started. I'm excited. I'm ready.
I'm determined for this last half of my second year in 24/7 to be different than the first. I'm determined to be different. I will be a better Core to my first year, I will be a better friend, I will be a better child to my Father, I will make the most of this season of my life, I will have a better attitude about things, I will be more confident. Call it a new years resolution...I call it the way I should have lived before.