Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Not able to sleep

There is so much I want to say I don't even know where to start...There's not even enough room or time to write everything so I will try to narrow it down to the most important...

God has shown me so much in the last few months its insane. These last three weeks in Mexico especially. There are so many things in life that you know in your head but you don't really know them in your heart. For instance: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I can be a slut *in a drama people, don't get any ideas*, eat more food than should be humanly possible to consume in one day, pray for people that don't even speak my language, tell my testimony in front of lots and lots of people, be confident in who God made me to be, and completely trust God with absolutely everything. You know what else? Just try to wrap your mind around this. The God that created the universe, the God that spoke mountains into existence, the God that is so big he is everywhere at the same time loves me, and chose me to be in this program and to go to Mexico and tell people about Him. Out of all the people in the world, I got to do that. Dude.
Have you just sat there and tried to wrap your mind around how much God loves you lately? I think that too often we forget exactly what that love entails. Too often we just know it in our head.
We wrote down goals today and one of mine is to never forget and just know in my head that God loves me, but to always know it in my heart. To never get used to the fact that the God that created this entire world and everyone in it loves me. Me, ZuZu Ford. Every time I think about that, like really think about it, I have this major wow moment and I want to go tell everyone so that they can realize the same thing.

So these are just a few things and when you read most of them you're like, ya duh I've known that my whole life but there is a big difference between knowing something and knowing something. That is something I'm learning, to never let yourself get used to the things of God to where they don't amaze you anymore and they just seem normal.

There is so much more I want to say but now I need to sleep. I will write more later.

Hopefully soon I'll have pictures I can put up too.