Friday, October 17, 2008

Wheat thins are amazing

Wow so much has happened sInce I posted last...For one thIng my computer Is freakIng out and for some reason every tIme I type the letter "I" It Is In caps and so for every word that has an "I" In It, the spell check thInks Its mIsspelled because theres a capItal letter In the mIddle of the word. Its drIvIng me crazy.

Other than that thIngs are goIng pretty well. There Is drama wIth one of the gIrls on my team wIth the fact that no one lIkes her and we're gettIng In trouble for IgnorIng her.
Pastor RIck saId yesterday that the people you don't lIke are the people you're goIng to learn the most from In thIs program. He saId that anyone can love someone you get along wIth but It takes a true ChrIstIan to love someone you thInk Is a paIn In the butt.

I thought about that and realized that he's right. I've learned so much from this girl whether I like it or not. I've learned how a lot of the things she says are the things I think but would never say, things like when we hear about some crazy thing we have to do she will say "what? are you serious? oh gosh this is going to suck." it's honestly what most of us are thinking but when said aloud its the stupidest thing ever. I've learned to change the way I think, to take my thoughts captive. I'm also learning how to be patient and love people who are not exactly the most loveable people. I know that God put her on my team for a reason.

So ya things are interesting here...I know about some stuff that's coming that I'm not supposed to know about and I don't know everything about it, just enough to make me anxious and nervous about it and kinda wish I didn't know about it...that made no sense but thats ok...

I'm experiencing bloggers block at the moment so I'm going to continue this later...


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