Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Hey blogger peeps
So I really should be either doing homework or sleeping but seeing as to I am on the computer right now, that is just not going to happen so I think I will post a quick blog.

Well I got my cartilage pierced today...FINALLY. FINALLY turned 18 so that I can FINALLY get it done legally and without getting in huge trouble from my parents. I get home and talk to my parents for a good 20 minutes....they don't even notice. Heck why did I not do this months ago? I just keep telling myself that I did the right thing and should be happy about it....but I'm gonna be honest doing the right thing and being a good person kinda sucks sometimes cuz here I am finally 18 and legal and can't even get my stinking belly button pierced cuz it is the summer...sad day....Why couldn't my parents have had me in the freaking winter?!

Ok enough ranting...On another note I am 2 weeks away from being completely and totally 100% done with highschool *commence cheering* So I am excited about that. Just pray that I live through those 2 weeks as they will be very very very very busy and hecktick (is that how you spell that??) and crazy and full of no sleep.

Well my hardcore pain in the butt jaw meds are kicking are kicking in now and I am falling asleep on the keyboard so I will be leaving now. Good night blogger people.

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